About Us
Downtown Campbellsville (DC) is a mixed-use neighborhood where people work, live, learn and play.
Main Street Program
Since 1983, the Downtown Business Association (DBA) has looked out for the interests of the local merchants in the central business district. As times have changed in the past 3 decades, so has the mission and scope of the DBA. Because DC consists of mixed-use space and cultural diversity, you might also think of the DBA’s expanded role as a “neighborhood association” for all people who work, live, or play downtown.
MEMBERSHIP – The DBA alliance is formed by participating businesses, affiliates, and advertisers. Not all merchants or property owners participate. We are not all things to all people. We generally serve the needs of the many, not the few. Like any organization, there are operating procedures and costs. Members are sponsors (and vice versa) because they want to be associated with causes like preservation, renovation, and revitalization
BOARD OF DIRECTORS – The DBA is administered by 6 to 9 board members that are qualified because they own property or are business owners. Comments and suggestions should be emailed to “info (at) downtowncampbellsville (dot) com“.
Downtown Campbellsville™ (DC) is the brand for promoting activities of Main Street. Branding efforts include messaging (positioning, perception) and marketing (engagement, promotion, and value creation). As the city, university, and healthcare sectors grow the precise definition and boundaries of what “downtown” becomes arbitrary. We define Downtown Campbellsville “arbitrarily” in ways that benefit the greater good. A few things that define DC to the public are brand messaging, activities, maps, directories, and guides in ways that build good campaigns and promotions.
There are 7 projects DC is involved because it impacts our existence:
- DC – Downtown Campbellsville Historic Buildings
- CU – Campbellsville University
- HH – Historic Homes (Lebanon Avenue)
- HC – Health Care park – Taylor Regional Hospital
- MP – Recreation – Miller Park, Trail Town
- WW – Waterways – Buckhorn Creek, City Lake, and Green River Lake
- AT – Agritourism (farmer’s market, makers market, buy local campaign)
Downtown Campbellsville is private enterprise at work and is not a government agency.
- Our mission is to promote higher education (learn), create jobs (earn), and define a lifestyle (live)
- We revitalize buildings and build businesses
- We empower our friends and neighbors and invite them to join us in activities that “pay it forward” and benefit the “greater good”
What we do often works and if it doesn’t, we’ll fix it.
We give and we serve. And in return, downtown comes to life.
Our efforts are primarily focused on the commerce, property, and residential concerns of Downtown (DC). This also includes an emphasis on our strategic relationship with the University (CU) and agritourism activities with local farmers and artisans (makers) (AT).
A secondary focus is the things connected to Downtown Campbellsville such as recreation (MP), healthcare (HC), and waterways (WW).
Operations are broken out into:
- Design – Beautification, Decorating
- Investment – Buildings, Businesses, Value Creation, Recruiting
- Logistics – Project Management, Resources, Work Orders, Permit Requests
- Marketing – Promotions, Campaigns, Events, Affiliates, Collaterals, Agency Services
- Organizational – Communication, Collaboration, Partners
- Finances – Income, Expenses, Accounting, Taxes
This portal/blog is the “informational” site for all things Downtown Campbellsville (DC) and works in conjunction with our Facebook page which is more “engagement” oriented.
This Site:
- Informational – Members, Directories, and Guides
- Investor and Business Interests – Leasing and Investment
- Jobs and Postings
- Operations – Projects, Documents, Email
- Direct Marketing, Engagement, Promotions
- News, Announcements
- Events, Calendars
It’s important to recognize that Downtown Campbellsville has a “viewpoint” with economic, social, political, and cultural implications in mind. A predefined viewpoint guides our policies on such social topics as smoking, drinking, parking, cruising, signage, permitting, holidays, bullying, and freedom of speech. The viewpoint is simply:
“Main Street has a mainstream point-0f-view”
This statement is important because there are many opinions among members and by having a predictable viewpoint helps keep the organization on message and on task.
Read more about this concept on Main Street culture on Wikipedia.
The Downtown Campbellsville marketing plan includes these initiatives:
- Social/Lifestyle – Events, and activities to socialize and bring people together
- Merchants -Places to shop, eat, dine, and entertain
- Property – Preserve and renovate buildings and increase property values
- Perception – Promote and advertise the DC message and mission
Downtown Campbellsville™ is Kentucky’s Next Great City™
These towers also have symbolic meaning that serves as inspiration for the DC logo.
Justice Tower, Ransdell Chapel Tower, and Merchant Tower form the 3 peaks of the commercial corridor and are symbolized in the artwork below.
Trademarks & Copyrights
- Downtown Campbellsville™
- Kentucky’s Next Great City™
These trademarks are the intellectual property of 130 Ventures Corp and are used for commercial purposes. Do not infringe upon or use these trademark names or logos without written permission. Other trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners.
All content on this site including copywriting, photography, and artwork are Copyright (c) 2008-2018 – All Rights Reserved.
Permission for non-commercial use is granted to students for academic purposes with attribution.